Core Essential Values Store

Parenting with Wisdom

Parenting with Wisdom

Wisdom and Teenagers??
While often the word wisdom makes us think of knowledge that comes with time, this month's application of the word helps us to see that wisdom can be quite simple: it is about both finding out what you need to do, and then applying that knowledge and doing it.
Helping your child know how to find out what to do is a great first step. Make sure they have adults and peers in their life to point them in the right direction, just as you would.

Taking Action
The second part of the application this month is to take action on what you now know you should do.
This can be more difficult than it seems for teenagers - finding out what to do can be somewhat internal, but taking action requires risk. Making sure you have a safe space for your child to do what they know is right will be key to developing wisdom. How can you encourage and celebrate wise choices and wise actions? 

For parent reflection:

•    Who are some adults that your child could learn wisdom from?
•    What peers does your child have that helps make wise decisions?
•    When do you need to seek counsel and build wisdom before taking action?

With your child:

•    When is it easy to be wise?
•    When do you have trouble showing wisdom?
•    What holds you back from doing the right thing?
•    When you aren't sure of the right thing to do, how do you find out?
•    Who in your life can be a resource when you need to know what to do? What adults? What friends?